My Ten Top Tips When Organising a Hen Party
My Ten Top Tips When Organising a Hen Party
There are a lot of organised people out there, trying their best to get a hen party arrange for their BFF, their sister, or an extremely important person in their life.
They want to get it right .. and it’s so hard these days, trying to beat what someone else did, make it even better, but at minimal cost, and at an ease to everyone!
The things I’m hearing are that once upon-a-time, hen parties were just an evening get-together, simple and straightforward to organise, and just with a handful of people.
Now it’s a full weekend – sometimes longer, complications of going abroad, larger groups and one of the biggest factors? Those with families! People are getting married older, but that means chances are, they have kids themselves, or have friends who have kids, so there’s another complication!
So how do you organise something amazing, unique, memorable, hilarious, and great quality where everyone in your group will have an amazing time?
Having been helping the ladies over the past 7 years, with putting together a pain-free incredible weekend, these are the things I’d suggest :
- The decision is yours. If you give people options, you’ll get a million different combinations of requirements! So, as long as you’ve got the bride-to-be’s best interest at heart and something she will love, then it’s not about everyone else!
- If you’ve been invited to a hen party, be open. There is so much negativity in the world, and people don’t like not being in control. How about when someone suggests that “X” will be the plan for a hen party you’re going to, you think “hmmm .. can’t wait for something new”? This also goes for not asking for others opinions on what you’re organising! Don’t doubt yourself – if you’ve done the research, and are confident, don’t let any negativity creep in!
- Word of mouth prevails. Ask around .. we get so many bookings from referrals, in spite of all the reviews on TripAdvisor or Facebook for example. Word of mouth has so much weighting, and there is a much bigger element of trust
- Organise early! Obvious yes, but not always done! Like with anything in life, you need to put time aside, get your “must haves” and “mustn’t haves” together, and find something! These days, we are getting booked up more and more in advance, so you have to be quick if you want the full package!
- Accommodation needs to fit everyone in, and remember, accommodation is often based on a fixed price, so if your hens start dropping out, the price per person will increase!
- Have something to do which will be a focal point, like activities, life drawing, cocktail making – all of that stuff!
- The transport – if you are going to be moving from place to place, how are you going to do it? If you need taxis, organise in advance – don’t wait until the day!
- Food – keep everyone fed! Oh, and watered! It’s not just the alcohol, but the water for the day after! We’re lucky here, and our tap water is the best ever (really it is!!), as it’s from our own spring, but so many people bring bottled water as they’re organised and know they’ll need to keep everyone hydrated!
- Whether you’re getting an events company to organise it all for you, or you’re organising all the different elements, you’ll have questions. Ask them. Don’t be afraid, and no question is too silly! So often I get the “sorry to ask so many questions” or “this might sound really silly” .. it doesn’t .. I truly don’t mind! (Even if I’ve answered the same question a million times to other people!)
- Get financial commitment from people up front, with no refund option. I know it sounds harsh, but the amount of pressure it will put on you and everyone else down the line, when someone drops out for whatever reason, really makes it a nightmare, and like herding cats! Don’t be afraid to ask people to commit! If they can’t commit, simply be open and honest about their options! You don’t have to be mean, simply give them real options!